Children’s Book Drive

Help us as we show our support for an amazing young lady, Ms. Sydney Adashek. Sydney will be collecting children’s books from now until spring of 2016 and will donate all of the collected books to a school in need. Read her letter below and please bring donations to any of our three Desert Perinatal Associates offices.
Dear Reader,
My name is Sydney Adashek and I am becoming a Bat Mitzvah in May 2016. In the Jewish tradition, this is when a girl becomes a woman.
Every time someone is preparing to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, they perform a project that helps their community. My project is to collect children’s books from my family and friends and then to donate them to a school that is in need of books for their students.
Any donation helps! I would really appreciate it if next time you are cleaning out your closets and bookshelves, you think of donating your books to my project.
You can bring your donated children’s books to any of the three Desert Perinatal Associates offices. If it is more convenient for you to have the books picked up, please send me a private message through Facebook or through the Desert Perinatal Associates website to let me know where to pick up the books.
Thank you so much for reading about my project and, hopefully, donating your books to students in need!
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